Square Micro-Suede Accent Pillow #101S
Square Micro-Suede Accent Pillow #101S

Lama Kasso Pillow #101S, Beautiful Aged Effect with Tuscan Countryside, Gold and Orange Scrolls and Stripes 18″ Square Micro-Suede Accent Pillow

Your Price: $98.00
Sells Elsewhere For:$117.60
Here You Save:$19.60(17%)
Made to order. Please allow up to 10 days for shipping.
Item ID:101S-LKP

Beautiful aged effect with tuscan countryside, gold and orange scrolls and stripes. 18" square micro-suede pillow #101s.

Lama Kasso pillows are truly made in the USA; designed by renowned American designer, Bunker Hill Bradley in Las Vegas.

Each incredible pillow is a work of art designed, printed and manufactured in Las Vegas.

Bunker has created wonderful unique artwork for each pillow with colors that have to be seen to be believed.
  • Genuine Designer Suede Accent Pillow made with the Softest Suede.
  • Each Pillow is Hand Crafted with Pattern Matched Corners and Sides giving you a Beautiful Look from any Angle.
  • Each Accent Suede Pillow is Manufactured to Order (Selection is always Fresh off the Press).
  • The Pillow Cover is easily cleaned with a Clean Damp Cloth or Gently Washed in Warm Water.
  • Soft Down filled Pillow and Suede Cover are Designed and Manufactured in the USA.
Package Content and Sizes in Inches:
1 Accent Pillow: 18 x 18

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